4x NFT Idle Game

Let your favorite NFT become the protagonist of your story.

Join Spaceway Bridge Central, and become an active citizen of the Spaceway Galaxy. Explore, Fly, Build, Trade and Survive in a strange and wondrous utopia.

Spaceway Bridge Central is a social experiment, where all citizens have the opportunity to participate in the governance of the Spaceway Galaxy.


Spaceway Bridge is an "Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate" game with idle elements. You are the captain of your own spaceship, mining asteroids, trading with other captains, fighting pirates, completing quests and exploring new sectors in deep space.

  • Manage your equipment, fleet, and crew to embark on weekly adventures best suited to your play style.
  • As you progress through the game, you can increase the number of people on your spaceship. The more people aboard, the greater will be their potential to improve productivity
  • As you progress, you will find new areas to explore, new types of equipment to craft, new missions to undertake and enemies to defeat
  • At the end of each week you will receive a number of Fame points based on your performance in that week. The more Fame points generated by your crew, the greater will be their potential for promotion. And promotions are important because they unlock new crew abilities for use in later adventures.
  • Build ships, guns and engines to engage in combat with enemies. Use special abilities of your crew members to gain an advantage during battle.

The idea behind NFT Adventures DAO LLC is to develop an in-game economy in which the players are the true owners. It is you, the player, who owns your ships, characters, and equipment. It is you, the player, who owns the company that made the game. Your in game currency is your vote that controls the real world LLC.

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NFT Adventures DAO LLC is a corporate entity with three branches of government

From an outside perspective, NFT Adventures DAO LLC is a normal company. It has its own bank account and pays taxes. It can conduct business with companies and individuals. It has legal personhood.

On the inside, every aspect of the company is controlled by a computer program run by the players. There is no corporate president. No board of directors. No investors. There is only a distributed network of computer programs that bows to the players' will.

  • 01 Validated Players

    Players are the true owners of the company.
    • Ownership of in-game "fame points" constitutes a voting right.
    • In order to prevent a small percentage of top players from having a disproportionately large amount of voting power, voting rights are calculated on a logarithmic scale per player.
    • All of the company's profits are sent to a public treasury. Any validated player can create a funding proposal, for up to 20% of the company's treasury. Funding proposals are approved at an 80% vote.
    • Any validated player may create a rule that the company must abide by, which is also approved by an 80% vote.
    • Validated players elect representatives from the other two branches once every three months.
    • Validated players may vote no confidence on any elected official, and may optionally revert that official to a previous official still in good standing.

  • The executive branch exists to turn the user's will to reality. The executive branch consits of elected officals that perform tasks that can not currently be automated by a machine.
    • Tax accounts. This these officals ensure that NFT Adventures DAO LLC complies with local and federal tax law.
    • Legal. These officals represent the LLC in legal matters, such creating and executing contracts with content creators.
    • Software Architects. These officals ensure contracting firms create products that conform to the DAO's development standards. From a high level, they look out for the player's best interst, since firms without any interal software architects are often taken advantage of by contracting firms. This also prevents the company from naively make decisions that have unexpected dire long term consequences.

  • While this branch may seem redundant, it is critical for establishing checks and balances when the sytem becomes more mature. Often times when sufficent money is involved in an established and self sustaining system, bad actors will begin to appear to exploit the system. These bad actors attempt to manipulate the system for short term personal gain that has an adverse impact on the community as a whole. Without safeguards against these bad actors, things generally end poorly as companies mature. This branch exists to mitigate the damage bad actors may do.
    • The judicial branch are officals with veto power over nearly all votes
    • The only type of vote a judicial branch may not overrule is a vote of no confidence.
    • Judicial branch members may only veto items that are either in violation of US law or existing governence rules.
    • Vetoing for any reason other other than enforcing a clear violation will reuslt in a vote of no confidence from the verified users.



Characters are the protagonist in a player's story and are bound to NFTs.

The first step to turn an NFT into a character is registering with Spaceway Bridge Central (CBC). There is a process to bring in outside NFTs into the game, such as Bored Apes or Sneaky Vampires. If a player is attached to a profile pic NFT and wants it to captain their spaceship, there is a way to do so*. Alternatively, a player can purchase a pre-made starter bundle that includes a randomly generated character. In either case, CBC will provide the player with a new playable character.

New player characters are randomly assigned a lifetime goal and a short-term goal. Lifetime goals are things that a player character is trying to achieve in a long-term in order to realize their full potential.

Unlike lifetime goals, characters always have at least one short-term goal. This means if their final short-term goal is achieved, they will be given a new short-term goal in addition to the previous goal's rewards.

Once a character completes their lifetime goal, the character is given a new passive ability that is always active. Completing a lifetime goal is the only way to gain a passive ability. In addition to making the character more powerful, the character's owner is also given an opportunity to register a single new character on CBC at a substantial discount. New characters registered this way start with a powerful new ability.

In terms of gameplay, characters can grow by embarking on weekly adventures, which grant fame points. Fame points can be spent to improve a character's ability points, skills in roles, and purchase active abilities. All of these features are bound to the character and are tied directly to the NFT.

Characters can also be assigned as crew to spaceships, be given equipment, and go on adventures tied to locations. Players may exchange equipment, change crew rosters, and alter who may enter a location at will. Unlike character properties, these are NFTs of their own and can be exchanged freely.

Characters can be purchased and sold freely on the marketplace by transferring ownership of the NFT that the character is bound to. Characters are not owned by NFT Adventures LLC. They are owned by the player.

*acceptance of outside NFT collections into the game is contigent on apprval from the community and legal restrictions



In Spaceway Bridge, players own NFTs that represent characters. If it makes contextual sense for an NFT (such as a Bored Ape or Sneaky Vampire) to hop in a spaceship, it can be included in a whitelist to allow it to be registered in the game

When a character NFT is registered with Spaceway Bridge, the game assigns the character a backstory and a series of abilities. Upon registration, characters are randomly assigned a life goal and a short-term goal. When a short-term goal is achieved, a character is rewarded and given a new short-term goal. When a life goal is achieved, the player is allowed to register a new character at a steep discount that starts off with a powerful skill while keeping their original character.

These characters can be assigned as crew to space ships and given equipment, which can, in turn, be customized by players and be used in adventures.


Players control characters that exist in an expansive sci-fi universe and go on adventures. The characters, their ship, and equipment can be configured before entering an adventure to determine the outcome.

There are two types of adventures that characters can go on - weekly adventures and individual/group adventures. Weekly adventures are announced on Monday and executed at midnight on Saturday. All players have access to the same weekly adventures, which have guaranteed minimum rewards based on the adventure type. Characters may choose which weekly adventure to embark on if any. Weekly adventures are the only way to gain Fame points. Fame points are used by players to determine the future of the game and are spent by characters as the only way to gain attribute points and special abilities.

Individual/group adventures, on the other hand, can be activated at will. They are generally obtained from exploring locations and are managed by an AI to prevent the game from getting stale. A player can go on as many individual/group adventures as they wish. This allows players to build their fleet, explore planets, fight, and gather resources. Characters can use this to either focus on a long-term strategy or prepare for a weekly adventure.

Weekly Adventures:

Characters must first be registered with Spaceway Bridge before they can go on weekly adventures. Since weekly adventures provide fame tokens that allow for voting rights on the future of NFT Adventures LLC, players must be validated to enter weekly adventures as well.

There are four main types of weekly adventures that characters can do in Spaceway Bridge: exploring, mining, building, and fighting.

The game includes four different types of weekly adventures that provide fame points (SPAC3), attribute points (AP), and equipment for characters. The amount of SPAC3 earned varies with which type of adventure is completed and how well the player performed; after that, SPAC3 can be redeemed for attribute points or skills. AP is directly tied to character NFT's proficiency in talents and applied to characters directly. Likewise, the skills obtained from spending SPAC3 are bound to the character NFT, so they can't be traded or given away by themselves. Equipment that was not obtained from SPAC3 can be traded, rented, or given away.

At the end of a week, players check their characters' stats and send in a report about their performance in a specific type of adventure to a piece of software called Spaceway Bridge Central (SBC). There, a report and rewards for a particular type of adventure is generated and sent to all the SBC subscribers. All the subscribers have access to the same report stored on the blockchain. This means that it is possible for players to see another player's activity on the other types of adventures even if they were not present themselves.

Individaul/Group Adventures:

Characters must first be registered with Spaceway Bridge before they can go on adventures at locations. Players do not need to be validated to embark on Individual/Group adventures.

Locations are NFTs that generate adventures that allow any number of characters to embark on, so long as the NFT's owner allows it. An owner may allow members to access their location for free, such as with a guild or a friend, or charge a fee for other players to access the NFT for a given period of time or per use.

Location NFTs can be obtained from exploration weekly adventures or be minted from very rare blueprints such as space stations. These adventures can be done as individual players or as a group. When a group is formed, the characters need to be able to work together to complete the adventure. There are many different types of adventures that a group can do:

1. Exploration - A character can explore a location by using their ship. As the character explores, it may find a new location, a special resource, or an enemy ship.

2. Mining - A player can mine from a location by using their ship. As it mines, it may find a new location, a special resource, or an enemy ship. The longer a ship mines in a single location the more ore it generates per day.

3. Build - In this type of adventure, a team is formed from a member of each characters' fleet, and the group is sent to build a structure from a blueprint. A player can create new items with their fleet on the SBC, and others can visit them to help build it. As with locations, players may share blueprints with a guild or friends, rent it out on the open market, trade it, or keep it to themselves.

4. Fight - In this type of adventure, a team with their fleet is sent to fight one more more enemy ships. The rewards for this type of adventure vary, but both the risk and reward are generally higher than other adventures.

If a ship is damaged in combat, it temporarily loses the use of some of its equipment slots until the ship is repaired. Players may use equipment or abilities to repair ships. Players may also choose to have a character abstain from a weekly adventure to fully repair whatever ship they are assigned to.


Surviving Combat

Players own NFT that represents characters, ships, and equipment. Characters have skills and ships have equipment attached to them. Both characters and ships can activate a certain amount of skills or abilities at once, and often have more abilities to choose from than they can activate during an adventure.

Ships and characters have basic equipment slots that are used to attach specific types of equipment to them. Most advanced equipment takes up more than one basic slot, but also has more effect than basic equipment.

Damage is dealt to player ships by disabling equipment slots. When a ship has no slots available for any equipment, its engine will not function properly. Disabled player-controlled automatically activate a space bridge to exit combat and cannot be destroyed, but non-owned ships have no such protection and can be destroyed by disabling equipment slots.

Combat Speed

Turn order is determined by combat speed, which is calculated by a combination of ship attributes, activated crew skills, and the properties of the engine and special equipment activated for the mission. In the rare case of a tie, players go first. In the very unlikely case that there is still a tie, the older ship goes first.

Engines have two properties relevant to combat speed - efficiency and combat speed. Efficient engines take fewer resources but are usually slower. Before combat, players can choose what to do if an engine runs out of resources, such as if to flee automatically go last, or use a backup engine.


There are a variety of attack types, but the main types are as follows:

  • Energy Attacks: Some weapons utilize the ship's power for energy. Power is generated by the ship's reactors every round.

  • Projectile Attacks: Missiles, bullets, and railguns are finite resources that are stored inside a ship. Projectiles generally have a significantly higher rate of fire than energy attacks but can be depleted in prolonged combat.

  • Ramming: This is a desperate attack that often causes significant damage to the attacking ship. It is mainly used by groups of small ships attacking a significantly larger and more powerful vessel.*

    Damage and accuracy are determined by the ship's equipment, ability points, and activated abilities. When to use specific weapons and what tactics to use are determined by players before an adventure begins. Players may store as many pre-set tactics as they'd like.*


    Damaged may be avoided or absorbed in a few ways:

  • Shields absorb a small amount of damage and utilize the ship's power for energy. Power is generated by the ship's reactors every round. Shields are especially effective against energy attacks.

  • Point defense systems utilize bullets and missiles to shoot down other projectiles or protect against ramming opponents. Projectiles generally have a significantly higher rate of fire than energy attacks but can be depleted in prolonged combat.

  • Armor takes damage before equipment slots do. Armor is automatically repaired after combat.

  • Some engines have a dodge mechanic, which generally drains the same type of resource as the rest of the systems.

    When to use specific defenses and what tactics to use are determined by players before an adventure begins. Players may store as many pre-set tactics as they'd like.*

  • Attacks that breach defenses disable an equipment slot. The equipment tied to the slot in question may not be used again until it is repaired.

    Capital Ships

    Smaller ships can launch drones, and larger ships can launch fighters. These craft are counted as cargo until launched from their mothercraft, at which point they are treated the same as any other active ship.

    Some friendly capital ships have repair, resupply and refuel abilities. Some require ships to dock in order to use these abilities. When to use capital ships and what tactics to use are determined by players before an adventure begins. Players may store as many pre-set tactics as they'd like.*

    * User controlled tactics will not be avalible until advanced play
    Energy management

    Ships reactions generate a certain amount of energy every turn. There is a maximum amount of energy a ship can store, determined by equipment such as batteries and capacitors. Use of energy weapons, shields, and certain types of propultion drains energy

  • Resources

    Resources with real-world value:

    . Wrapped Etherium is used to register characters with Spaceway Bridge Central, create blueprints, build ships, spawn locations, and create equipment. NFT Adventures uses wEth to pay for real-world expenses and add features to the game. In order to open the game up to all players, a player may spend Fame Points to reduce wEth costs at a ratio of 0.01 wEth per Fame Point.

    Gas (ONE, MATIC)
    . Game data is stored on something called a blockchain, which requires a transaction fee to write to (called gas). Game actions require a small amount of gas to perform. Unlike wEth payments to SBC, which generally happen rarely in large chunks, gas fees are small and frequent.

    These gas fees allow the game to function just as efficiently with one player as it can with thousands. Gas fees are used to pay for transaction fees, partially converted to stablecoins to pay for off-chain processing costs (such as AWS Lambda), and to pay for real-world expenses and add features to the game.

    Governance Token

    Fame Points
    Fame points can only be obtained by playing weekly adventures. They may not be purchased and they may not be traded.

    Players that register using BrightId are allowed to use Fame Points to vote on real-world decisions the company makes. In order to make things fair to all players, voting rights are based on a logarithmic scale. In layman's terms, that means while a seasoned player in the top 1% might have more voting power than a single newbie, the voting power of the top 10% of Fame Point holders combined should not be enough to drown out the voices of the masses.

    Players may spend fame points to reduce the cost of wEth fees to mint new equipment, create a blueprint, import a new character.

    Players may spend fame points to give a character new skills.


    NFTs that have a profile picture appropriate may be used to represent a character. These NFTs are owned wholly by the player and are not managed by the game. The game only checks the ownership of the NFT.

    Characters that are part of an approved set may be imported simply by paying the ETH fee. Characters that are not part of an approved set must pay a review fee first and be approved by the community. If a user has an objection to the application, that user can pay a fee to bring the request to arbitration. If the application was not denied in arbitration, the NFT set will be whitelisted in a week.

    Character Sheet

    Character sheets contain a character's skills, abilities, and history. When a character is registered with Spaceway Bridge Central, it is given a character sheet. The character sheet is tied directly to the character, so ownership of a character brings ownership of a character sheet along with it.

    For details on what characters can do, see the character section.

    Character sheets are controlled by Spaceway Bridge Ledger on the blockchain.

    For all intents and purposes, a registered character can be used interchangeably with a character and its character sheet. In the theoretical event a Character is banned from Spaceway bridge (such as due to discovery of IP theft), the owner of the banned NFT may transfer the character sheet to a new NFT. This is the only way a character sheet can be moved to a new character and as of this text has never happened.


    Characters are assigned as crew to ships. Characters with command authority can manage the ship's equipment and bring a ship on missions.

    Ships have a limited number of equipment slots and crew slots, generally based on size. Equipment modifies how a ship behaves. Crew members may choose to have two of their abilities to be active at any given time, so ships with more crew tend to outperform ships without them.

    When ships are damaged, they lose the ability to use damaged equipment slots until they are repaired. Player-controlled ships may not be destroyed.

    When a ship goes on a weekly adventure, all crew on the ship are given rewards. When a ship goes on a location base adventure, rewards are given based on an agreement with the Ships Owner.


    Equipment is completely owned by the player as an NFT.

    Both Characters and Ships can be given equipment that performs functions. All equipment has size (small, medium, large, massive), size, and type.

    Type (such as ship's engine, goggles, or shipyard) determines where the equipment can be used, what it can do, and what type of properties it has.

    Size is used to determine where the equipment can fit. For example, a fighter craft may only have room for one small equipment type. Equipment may be used in smaller compartments by factors of four. (Example: One massive slot can 1 massive item, take 4 large items, 16 medium items, or 64 small items.)

    Mass is used during missions to calculate momentum based on thrust. For example, a ship made of lead will likely move much slower than a ship made out of steel that is otherwise equivalent.

    Equipment can be purchased from starter packs, built using blueprints, and given as rewards in missions. The game has no control over ownership of NFTs after they are crated. This means managing equipment manage will not change the ownership of said equipment, only what equipment is attached to that ship.


    Players with sufficient skills can create blueprints. Based on what the player wishes to create, they can define various properties such as what material to use as a hull.

    Blueprints are minted by characters with sufficient skills. Some special abilities increase the potency of blueprints.

    Crafting & Industrial Bases

    Industrial bases are a specific type of equipment that can be used to generate items based on blueprints. Almost all industrial bases are massive unless they were created by a special blueprint by a character that has a special skill that allows them to be size large.

    Refineries transform raw materials such as iron into refined materials such as steel.

    Shipyards are used to create ships up to a certain size.

    Factories are used to create equipment of a certain type.

    Crating time is determined by crew abilities, the blueprint used, the industrial base itself, and the amount of power available for the industrial base to consume.

    All crafting requires resources in addition to minting fees, which are determined by the blueprint.


    Like ships, locations are NFTs that can hold equipment and crew and can be owned by players. Crew with management roles on location can manage what equipment is on a location.

    Locations can have Adventure Cards attached to them, which can be used to generate missions from an AI.

    Owners of locations can control who can manage the location, and who can access the location's equipment.

    Adventure Cards

    AI Adventure cards are attached to locations to generate missions. Adventure cards have general thematic elements and difficulty levels. Adventure cards can generate an infinite amount of adventures.

    Rewards and requirements are algorithmically generated based on the card's theme and difficulty. The overall plot is for adventure cards is created by an advanced deep learning AI called GPT-3.

    Story Cards

    Story cards are a special type of adventure card. The only difference between story cards and normal adventure cards is that the missions, rewards, and objectives created by a human instead of an AI.

    Fungible Tokens

    In-game currency used to interact with NPCs. There are many ways to obtain credits and many ways to spend them.

    Raw Materials
    Lead, Iron, Titanium, Tungsten, Silicone, Gold. These are resources that can be mined and are generally used for the creation of equipment and ships.

    Refined Materials
    Steel, Microchips, Nanofiber. These are resources that are used to craft equipment to ships. Refined materials are generally more performant than raw materials.

    Note on ammunition
    Ammunition does not need to be micromanaged, including missiles. All ships have full loads of ammunition at the start of combat.


    People experinced with crypto can use metamask as their main wallet.

    Optionally, players can use a micro-wallet controlled by a game session. This micro wallet is used to store gas fees and make a the user's experince easier at the expense of security. Micro wallets will need to be periodicly topped off and should not hold anything other than a small amount of gas. Rewards generated from actions of a micro wallet are given to a user's main wallet.

    True ownership

    Before we can explain how users can be the true owners of their digital assets, we need to go over a short history lesson.

    Our story starts with Satoshi Nakomoto, whose solutions to perceived problems regarding trust and ownership changed the world.

    Satoshi noticed he had to trust his bank to maintain its internal ledger honestly and accurately. If he sold goods, he had to trust his customers not to dispute his transitions with the bank. When he held cash, had to trust the central banks to manage the total supply of money properly.

    All of this was governed by laws built by a social contract. Enforcement was costly, and trust could still be violated. Even if everything went as planned, there were overhead costs.

    What he wanted was a way to transform the social contracts that govern our lives into a mathematical proof controlled by computers.

    When he found a way to transform the social contract into mathematical proofs, cryptocurrency and the blockchain were born.

    To do this, Satoshi took the concept of bank ledgers and turned them on their heads. Instead of black boxes that were controlled by an institution, they became public ledgers that anyone in the world may have a real-time copy of, with a list of all transactions that ever happened, that is updated in real-time.

    Instead of having accounts tied to people, accounts are tied to random twelve-word phrases. There are more combinations of twelve-word phrases than there are grand of sand on earth, so any random twelve-word phrase someone comes up with can reasonably be expected to be unique.

    This phrase can generate an account number and a private key. You can send money from your account to any other address you wish (valid or not) and it will be updated on every copy of ledger. The trick is that you need the private key tied to the originating address to send funds.

    This allowed the world to have a public audit trail of all transactions, to see how much every account in existence has while constraining the ability to send money out of accounts to their owners.

    How does this impact your game? Sometime later the same concept was expanded to handle the abstract concept of digital assets in general.

    Your ship, your crew, and your character are all stored in a distributed ledger that is stored the same way money is. Audits from the past prove you own your goods. Even if NFT Adventures LLC goes out of business, your game pieces are still owned by you with their stats intact. And with the game being open source, you don't need to worry about anything going away, or being unable to prove ownership of your game peices.

    Executive Branch

    The executive branch is in charge of executing the will of the users for anything that may not be automated.

    Mr J

    Software Archtect

    Mr J is the creator of Spaceway Bridge.

    Mr J is an experienced software engineer with a proven track record of building scalable, reliable, and secure systems. With over 20 years experince, Mr J built everything from massively multiplayer online games to enterprise-level tax systems.

    Education Certification in MIT Professional Education Blockchain: Disruptive Technology. Completed MIT Start Smart, a program for technology entrepreneurs. Completed MIT Invest Smart, a program explaining the inner workings of Angel Investors and VCs. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

    Open Position

    Legal Counsle

    There is an opening for either three individuals or one firm for legal counsle.

    Open Position

    Plot enforcer

    There is an opening for three individuals.

    Open Position

    Game Designer

    There is an opening for three individuals.

    Open Position

    Software architect

    There is an opening for two individuals.

    Open Position

    Tax Accountant

    There is 1 open position for a tax account. Firms are prefered over individuals.

    Judicial Branch

    The executive branch is in charge of executing the will of the users for anything that may not be automated.

    Open Position

    Veto Member

    There are 8 open positions for veto members.

    Game Architecture

    From a high level, the architecture is separated into the following components:

    • NFTs that represent characters, ships, and equipment
    • Spaceway Bridge Ledger, a smart contract that keeps track of custom game data. Very little data is stored on the ledger itself, but rather the ledger serves as a link from one NFT to On-Chain storage contracts or large storage (IPFS).
    • Spaceway Bridge Central, a smart contract that users call in order to request action be taken, which in turn emits events that can be consumed by a listener.
    • Spaceway Bridge Oracle, an open source C# DLL that can return populated data by refrencing the Spaceway Bridge Leger.
    • A listener that consumes events and streams them to workers (using Kafka or something similar to Kafka)
    • Worker nodes. A number of containers (think Kubernetes) and serverless programs that execute on events. These have the ability to process requests and/or store data to web3 solutions.
    • On-Chain Storage, which is used to represent simple metadata such as attributes and flags that represent skills.
    • Large storage, which is used to store sizable files such as audit data, NFT images, and adventure text. As with all storage, this must be Web3, such as IPFS
    • The Locker. This is off-chain storage that includes all NFT ids that currently are engaged in a pipeline that involves an update.
    • The Traveler. A program that looks at the chain at a specific version/block, spins up worker nodes of a target version in docker and produces the results to the target output. This is used for regression testing and can be used by users to ensure results were not forgeries. (Any random seeds must be stored in trails for this to work)
    • The NOC. The NOC is an automated system that first tries to automatically correct any issues, then notifies architects if there is an issue such as a poisoned message.
    • A UI that can communicate with Spaceway Bridge Oracle and Spaceway Bridge Center.


    • Large storage is configured to only be accessible via IPFS.
    • State transitions are deterministic. When $request is processed by the worker node, the state of the game world will be unchanged by any other action taken after $request was processed.
    • By making use of Unity compiled to the web for the front end alongside the oracle and tools like Netherium or Chainsafe, both the game and server can share major chunks of code, thereby minimizing the number of moving parts
    • Before an initial worker node accepts a request, it checks the storage locker to make sure none of the NFTs involved in the pipeline have pending updates. If so, returns the request to the back of the queue with a counter after a delay. The counter is used to determine if the message is poisoned or not.
    • In the event of catastrophic failure, the system will resume on the block that it last checked.
    • In addition to being able to be called manually, the Traveler is continually run on a loop at random to detect fraud or issues. If the traveler detects an issue, it notifies the NOC.
    • A user can request a copy of their audit trail on demand. Some audit trials, such as adventure logs, can add flavor to the system.
    • Worker nodes consume the GPT-3 API to create stories, and requirements/rewards are programmatically generated.
    • When multi-chain support is added, every chain will have a Spacway Bridge Central. Likewise, all NFTs that represent ships and equipment must be present in a given blockcahin to be recognized. No other entities need to be recreated, since any UI can contact Spacway Bridge Oracle to obtain all information it needs on a given NFT.

    Architecture - Eliminate Central Points of Failure

    One of the biggest differentiators of Web 3.0 is the focus on eliminating central points of failure. To that end, it is important that customer data and direct interaction be handled by blockchain technology (such as ONE and MATIC) or other web 3.0 technology that provides similar functionality (such as HBAR's hashgraph technology).

    • All permanent storage must be tied to some form of public ledger
    • When reasonable, software activities that have monetary costs should require fees from the blockchain. These fees should cover all overhead plus a buffer that is transfered to the treasury.
    • Free public facing websites for user acquistion is an exception to the above and taken from the treasury. The budget for this should be contingent on the expected revenue from new users it provides.
    • Processing may be done off-chain, but it must be the result of on-chain activities (such as via Netherium) and fully recoverable to the transaction level in an individual block.
    • All off-chain activity must take into account any possible synchronicity issues to ensure the outcome is deterministic.
    • The game must be able to survive past the life of the company, provided doing so is legal
    • The company must not restrict third parties from leveraging the blockchain to create their own spinoff products


    All milestones after the first election may be changed by a majority vote of the user base.

    The team will begin development using the dall-e engine as soon as it is avalible. The AI will upgrade from GPT-3 davinci-codex the GPT-4 when avalible and proven stable.

    Advanced Play

    When advanced play is enabled, more challenging options will be added to the game. Players will still be able to continue playing as before, but they will have the option to enter a more challenging mode. Proper tactics can allow users to defeat NPCs that were previously outside their weight class.

    Roadmap item - Tactics

    A player may configure how their ship's crew controls the ship in combat. This is done in two parts. One is by specifying a condition, and the other is by specifying a behavior to engage in should that condition occur. If there are multiple conditions met, the final condition checked will determine the crew's behavior.

    An example of a complicated condition is railgun ammunition depleted AND point defense ammunition >100 AND enemy does not have point defense AND distance to enemy >short and behavior could be flank speed to enemy

    Roadmap item - Distance and locations

    Values such as speed, velocity, and mass are added to all appropriate NFTs. Combat is then calculated using 3d coordinates. This allows for tactics like the use of standoff weapons and allows accuracy over distance include physics in the calculation.

    For example, evasive maneuvers will randomly move a ship in short bursts over 3d space.